High-Quality Benefits at a Sustainable Cost
By joining like-minded midsized and large employer groups, you can leverage your purchasing power resulting in savings only available to jumbo block purchasers.
Our partner vendors and carriers must agree to best in market pricing with specific service upgrades normally available only to jumbo employers or at an extra cost.
Take advantage of special pricing negotiated exclusively for coalition members and guarantees to safeguard your future costs:

Comprehensive Network Options
In Washington, Premera Blue Cross offers fully-insured plan options designed to mirror current in-force plan designs, with the broadest possible national network.
The Coalition also contracts with HMA (Regence) and First Choice for TPA services. Both include comprehensive provider networks.
In Washington, EHC of Oregon and Washington health plans offer the Premera, Regence or First Choice networks.
An Option for Everyone
Select from multiple funding arrangements to meet the needs of employer groups and plan sponsors with varying goals:

Employer + Member Resources
Access resources and value-added benefits designed to ease your way:
Through our partner vendors our members have access to preferred pricing on the following programs: